British National (Overseas)

Someone who was a British overseas territories citizen by connection with Hong Kong was able to register as a British national (overseas) before 1 July 1997. If you’re not already a British national (overseas), you cannot apply to become one. If you’re a British national (overseas), you and your family members may be able to apply for a British National (Overseas) visa. It allows you to live, work and study in the UK.

British National (Overseas) visa

由2021年1月31日起,合資格香港居民可申請英國國民(海外)護照(BNO)「5+1」簽證。 申請者獲批簽證可前往英國居住五年,然後申請取得永久居留權(indefinite leave to remain),再在英國居住一年,便可以申請入籍。
